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These basic addition skills worksheets are great for beginners who want to practice adding numbers, things, number lines, etc.  Some may emphasize visual addition, using pictures as a visual aid to help build an understanding of the concept of addition.

The following worksheets involve using adding skills. The sheets are with smaller numbers from 1 to 10. so kindergarten kids do not get confused with bigger numbers. However, some addition equations may go up to numbers 15 to 20. That will help you choose the appropriate level for your homeschooler or classroom kids.

These sum worksheets are great for practicing addition at home with preschoolers and kindergarteners according to their aptitude – how far they have understood numbers and additions.

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Math Addition worksheets for kindergarten learning and practice

These worksheets are great for learning addition, and once the student is done adding numbers, they can sit and color leaves and apples to keep them busy for a longer duration.

Fall leaves addition printable kindergarten worksheets

Use paper 8.5 x 11 inches size that is great for printing worksheets.

Apples themed addition kindergarten and first grade worksheets printable
Apple themed 1 to 10 addition worksheets kindergarten - basic addition skills

Get the math addition and subtraction worksheets bundle here.


Math worksheets for preschool and kindergarten 

Counting and matching worksheets for kindergarten. 

What comes before and after alphabet worksheets

Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten.