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Using the picture prompt to improve kindergarten and grade 1 level writing skills is essential.

The main benefit of visual writing prompts is that it gives students a place to start. Not only that, it helps them a scenario or a setting in an area where there can think outside the box. Use more vocabulary and also encourages them to write in more detailed sentences.

Before you start practicing blank canvas, as in first they can draw and then write a few sentences about their picture, you can use picture prompt templates so they can at least have a starting point and learn the art of telling stories.

Start with a random analysis of different places like a playground, schools, libraries, birthday parties, etc.  

Choosing pictures for kids to write about will significantly depend on your student’s skill level and age.

For kindergarten level, you can use more simple pictures where they can identify objects and write short sentences with sight words like,”I see a car”, “I see kids in school,” etc.

For higher grades and depending on a child’s aptitude, you can expect more detailed stories like writing, with a beginning, middle, and end of a story.

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Writing practice picture prompt templates for kids

Story/ sentence writing about a birthday party

Picture prompt template to write about a birthday party.

Writing practice about Christmas trees and snowflakes story

Picture prompt template to write about Christmas tree

Write a story about a library visit

Picture prompt template to write about a visit to a library

Write a story about a school building or about the first day of school

picture prompt template to write about first day of school

Picture prompt story writing templates for kids to write sentences about a picture.